Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Fandub - Generation One
Victoria Stam for Erinys

One of the Angelic Knights of Silesse, and retainer to Prince Lewyn. Initially tricked into thinking that Sigurd captured Lewyn.
Voice: Medium-high | Polite, honest, a girl who comes to everyone’s aid.
Oh no! I must rescue the prince! We’ll leave for Evans at once. Queen Rahna of Silesse warned me to keep out of combat, but this might be unavoidable. If I come across any Grannvale troops, I will engage them.
I can't allow that, milord. You know as well as I that the kings of Silesse must bear descent from Forseti, the wind god. You, milord, are the sole living scion of his lineage. Neither of your uncles bear it. You milord, are Silesse's future!
I promise... Being with you... It's as if all my childhood dreams have come true! I'm not going to just die and waste that. I'll always be with you, Lewyn. Always. No matter what.