[Like, Chill Out!] Be More Chill Alternate Characters Cover Group
astrange-ishhouseplant for B = Sebastian Bone
Sebastian (Person B) is a Gamer and a science fanatic and Sophie's best friend since they were babies. He's been in love with her almost all his life. He is the main supporting character of Like, Chill Out. [Drawing Credit: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/03/2b/15/032b15594bc07250ebbef77d0c3483dd.jpg ]
Sing any song sung by Christine or Michael from Be More Chill.
Introduce yourself.
this is amazing i want to cri also i already have an idea of something i want you to sing for the project oof, i'll keep the cast open but i'm thinking of you. Do you mind playing a Bisexual Fem!Seb? ;3
I don't mind at all!
OOF, this was a hard cast. So many great people. Just wanted to say that while the main 4 characters have been cast, your audition was great and so I made a character for you. Her name is Emma Whitner, she's Kara's and Karin's manager slash bestie slash PR. She also introduces Sophie to the squip (aka OTOME). So, if you're interested in being Emma, please tell me! I'll welcome you into the group ASAP!
I absolutely would be interested! I am out of town until August 3rd, but when I get back I could absolutely do it! Thank you for the opportunity!!
Great! Please friend me on Discord! GAILE#9658