Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Fandub - Generation One
Copperheadcase for Arvis
Duke of Velthomer and eventual King of Grannvale. Believes himself to be in power, but is unaware of the dark force pulling the strings. Note: you will have to voice both younger and older Arvis!
Voice: (Young) Medium-low to medium | Ambitious, deceptive, a man with vision.
(Old) Medium-low | Sinister, calculating, a man who feels he's in power, for now.
(Young) I see... So long as you keep him safe, then. He and I may have different mothers, but Azelle is still my only brother. I'd prefer if he remained by my side, but perhaps this is how it must be... I'll entrust Azelle to you, Sigurd. Be sure that he learns from this experience.
(Young) Enough! I grow weary of your ravings. Attention, men! We no longer have any use for keeping the traitors alive.
(Old) How dare you, Manfroy! You address your emperor! How dare you seek to use my daughter as a common bargaining chip!
(Old) At long last... Seliph. I must commend your courage, boy. But courage cannot save you now. Not since your dear departed father have I seen such a pathetic worm... My flames shall purge you from this world!