Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Fandub - Generation One
HorseHogan for Chulainn
A swordsman of Isaach, and Ayra’s bodyguard. Cocky and brash fighter who joins Sigurd’s army after being defeated in gladiatorial combat.
Voice: Low to medium-low | Loud, rude, a man searching for riches.
I’ve never been defeated before! Who the hell are you!? You’ve got some serious spirit in your attack. Obviously you’re not here for the money. Cash has been my motivator all these years… But after seeing you it kinda loses its meaning. You mind if I tag along? It’d be nice to fight for something real for a change.
I’ve a feeling things are going to get nasty here soon. Besides, anyone who fights like you could use a couple extra swords. Keep yourself well protected. I may not always be here to defend you.
I’ve known you since I was a kid. Keeping you safe means everything to me.