Possessions - Ep. 1, an Indie Fantasy Web RPG

hvpevoice for Mercenary

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: capt_eagle

Personality:  Gruff and rude.  Cares mostly about coin.

When the empire was first established, the World Army would actively serve the needs of the people.  Eventually, the empire's ambitions turned to conquest and the people's requests went unheard.  Theft, murder, and banditry surged over the next century, forcing the rich to rely on mercenaries for protection.  Over time, the supply for mercenaries allowed the common man to find an affordable mercenary, creating a profitable trade.  There's a mercenary for anything... for the right price.

  • (Frustrated, enemies appear) How many men must I stab today to get paid?

  • (Negotiating contract prices) Look missy, I don't know where you think you are.  We've barely got anyone at that price and you want a freakin' Manticore?

  • (Threatening) Hiring farmhands, old man?  I hope you've enough left to make your "payment".

Possessions - Ep. 1, an Indie Fantasy Web RPG
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