Hi there!
Actually I´m an actor playing mostly in Indie-Movies different kinds of roles .
I´m playing a good mouth organ (blues, pop, folk), too. Could do some bluesy loops etc.
I also handle the acoustic guitar well and mastered the jaw harp!
Library Music, royalty free and my VO for commercials! A good
whistler on board, as well.
I know it´s a great balancing act between cliches and creativity!
"Good or ugly bad" will always be the question!
However, the crucial value will be questioned.
Decisions gonna be made - all the luck, therefore!
If you´re always looking "who is the closest voice to my current
production" you may forget that we are multiple voice actors,
creative and waiting to be challenged and able to deliver (with a
2. nd or 3.d run) the one perfect voice.
It's much more interesting getting into a creative stage
from both sides than dropping in with something
nobody is really satisfied. "Thanks for the opportunity" will become
a deeper meaning at the end of the day.
When shouting overturns the meaning, then we get some kind of
normal family behavior! Haha...
Do we and the fans really want this on and on?
You´ve to decide for the fans beyond your taste, at least 60-80% of your decisions, if we should all succeed with your project!
But ok that´s a question of choice we make day by day! Both sides indeed!
And some Animations need shouting voices a lot, the dragons,
the villains and some daddies and pirates, harr harr!
...reach out:
So it´s a try, to be honest, working with my voice (Accents, like Russian, Slavic, Hindi, French, German, Italian, Scottish, Irish, British...) and it´s an attempt to reflect my possibilities at the holy ground of VA´s. As an actor, voice-over, I´m used to creating the voice in many ways. It could, I say it could be an interesting extension. I love my job very much. If any of your interest is there don´t hesitate to come up with your ideas, to light my fire.
BOSE Headphones
I´m just "Your Voice in m(an)y way(s)"!
Paypal works for me the best!
Hey, greetings Bro 'Sis! ;-) STAY SAFE ALL TOGETHER!!!
Familiar with Discord anytime! Jackmack#5841
Cheers! J