Link's Awakening (Manga Dub)
DominicRenaud for The Owl
Voice range: Medium to Low
So you're the one who owns the sword. I wonder if you're the one who has come to awaken the Wind Fish...
It's magnificent! That you have there is the "siren's Instrument!" Just as I had thought: you're the real thing, boy! I will forgive your earlier rudeness.
The people who you see are actually just like a mirror. Like this island, thoughts take on forms and begin existence.
Just curious, can you do animal noises, especially for owls? :)
Yeah. I was actually kicking myself after submitting the audition that I forgot some pre/post-life hoots. I'll record something when I get home tonight.
Since as far as I can tell I can't add more audio here, I've put the hoot test recordings on Google Drive:
No worries, thank you!