Homestuck Musical Covers
Valor Etheridge for Gamzee Makara

Voice Actor
Gamzee Makara
Role assigned to:
Valor Etheridge
Make him sound younger please, Not insane yet.
"MaN yOu KnOw YoU wAnNa GiVe My HoRnS a GoOd SqUeEzE. "
"ShIt MoThErFuCkIn YeAh My WiCkEd MoThErFuCkEr!"
Sing a part of Blood by My Chemical Romance or I can't Decide by Scissor Sisters

Not sure what you mean by insane so I just did my normal voice of him.

I loved it! Thank you very much. This is what I had in mind for Gamzee, So thanks for your audition!

Well thank you. XD I don't normally sing well at all it's one of my things I struggle with constantly.

You're very welcome! I feel like your voice fits perfectly for the role. I'll let you know soon if you got the part.

Congrats! You were casted!
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