Katawa Shoujo Playthrough (Rin Route)
trvtechy for Kenji
Kenji tends to vacillate between reclusive, suspicious, and paranoid, and calm, friendly, and mildly sociable (albeit fairly awkward to talk to). He has a marked misogynistic streak that is something of a defining characteristic for him. He is convinced that women are inherently dangerous, and thus avoids talking to them whenever possible-- not even his class representative, Lilly, is fully able to get him to open up to her. He also has a poor grasp of acceptable social protocol-- at one point, he even goes into the bathroom naked, right as Hisao is leaving the shower, just to ask him to loan Kenji some money for a pizza. He also has a habit of getting inappropriately close to people's faces in order to identify them, rather than just asking who they are (due in part to his intermittent paranoia).
Voice Range: High/Medium
I don't even need glasses to see.They're for effect.Also, to protect my identity. I'm like Superman.
High school clubs sow the seed of conspiracy! Do you know how many secret society's have grown from high school clubs?
And that day will come, when feminitsts come out of their central top secret worldwide feminist headquarters, and say "It's on now motherfuckers!"