Mobile Suit Abridged: Gundam Wing (Fan Parody, Scripted Comedy)
RyanHensleyVO for The Ringleader
The ringleader is about what you'd expect from a red-coated circus boss. He has a way of throwing his words out quickly every time he's gathered in front of a group, selling them an experience as much as anything else. In private, his voice can grow colder and lower, particularly when he's upset with Trowa (which will happen a lot.) The character is a voice we want to nail, but be aware that he appears intermittently through the show; there may be long stretches where we won't need you, but we want to keep the voice consistent through each appearance. Also please note if you would be comfortable singing in-character, as we will very likely make musical numbers involving the circus characters later on in the show.
Hey everyone, gather around! Ah ha ha! Our next performance is confirmed. Hold onto your hats: we've got a request from an Oz base! (
Hmmm. Right. I'm going to let you handle this, Trowa. (
Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce our next performance, shown here for the first time ever! Introducing the rising star of our circus, Trowa Barton! (