Mobile Suit Abridged: Gundam Wing (Fan Parody, Scripted Comedy)
ManikDX for Dr. J
Dr. J (or Dre, as he'll be called in our show) has a very memorable voice in the original show, and we want to replicate it to the best of our ability. He has a gravelly, almost stuck-in-the-throat sound to his voice, and rolls the 'R' in "Heero" very harshly. He often gives a somewhat ominous delivery to his lines, as shown in the two examples given, though we will be asking for some more jovial and deadpan deliveries in the show as well, as it's a comedy. He'll be the leader, as well as the voice of reason, for the entire crew of "Doctors," and will be present in multiple episodes leading all the way to the finale.
Since Heero was very young, we taught him a wide range of battle strategies. We brought him up as a professional assassin. ( )
Heero is actually a kindhearted young boy. But Heero's very dedicated to his mission. Stay away from him if you value your life. ( )