Despair Carnival Killing Game
Zeusgamer12 for Ryu Kiru
Ryu's tone is low, and has a normal pitched voice that's also a bit timid. However, when mad, it CAN increase in the pitch.
Ryu is the substitute protagonist. When the rper of Gonta is absent, Ryu will take his place.
Name:Ryu Kiru Age:19 Talent:ultimate bartender Height:5'10 Weight:126 pounds Blood type:AB Appearance:has dark blue hair with brown eyes,wears a long sleeve dress shirt with a black vest,a red tie,dress black pants,and dress shoes Personality:is very timid,but kind to others. doesn't want others to fight so he talks them not proud of his talent Likes:chocolate cake,any kind of game,and cartoons Dislikes:fights,broccoli,and being alone Random facts:has served drinks to almost everyone in the world and was able to stop multiple of fights that seemed impossible to stop
"I-I'm Ryu Kiru, the Super High School-Level Bartender... C-Can I help you with anything?"
"W-What...Why do we have to play this game!?"
"So, if the killer used that weapon, then we have it all backwards..."