Unofficial Owlboy Fandub!
cooperdoyle95 for Alphonse
Initially a member of the robotic Sky Pirates, Alphonse is more noble and gallant than the typical pirate, which leads him to defect to Otus' side early on. Alphonse is cool-headed in the face of danger, always keeping his wits about him, and he never acts on impulse. Despite being a powerful fighter, Alphonse has sophisticated tastes, and enjoys theater and poetry.
A real crew of pirates would never abandon each other. I would find deeper pride sailing the winds alone... than with an unprincipled band of thugs.
Well... I've always wanted to be a dramatic actor. I wanted to awe the world's finest from a stage! Under Molstrom, I wasn't allowed to...
Hmmm, that spider person... He does not seem particularly malicious. If I were to guess, I'd say he does not know what trouble he is in.