True Tail - Original Indie Animated Pilot
macthemeh for Viktor Silvertod (Spanish Accent)
Viktor is a fox born into a family of thieving pirates, who no longer wishes to follow their ways. He wants to be known as the Robin Hood of the seas, but his ego sometimes gets him in trouble. He is an adventure-seeker that loves to be the center of attention. However, he has a good heart and he will never abandon a friend in need.
(Annoyed/Excited) UGH! When do we get to go on some real quests? You know, excitement! Adventure! I want to feel the grass beneath my feet. I want to hear the ladies screaming my---<girly scream>
(Disgusted/ Freak out) Eww, Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!
(Sincere Kindness) Hey Doh-Li. I’m sorry for messing everything up… it’s my fault we’re in this mess. What I’m trying to say is. No, What I really want to tell you is...
Sorry about the peaking. I haven't figured out how to take care of that in editing.
Howdy! Actually, you don't take care of peaking in editing. Once it's peaked you're stuck with it. You'll want to drop the gain on your mic significantly, and then bring everything UP to volume in the DAW. Just don't drop it so far that when you up the volume again the noise floor is stuck behind your words and you hear hissing when you speak. (You'll be able to tell it's TOO low because after noise removal your silences will be dead silent, but the hissing stays behind your spoken parts.) That said, peaking's something you solve at the mic, not after the fact. ; ) Cheers!