Be More Chill Cover Soundtrack
space dad for Christine Canigula

Jeremy's crush, a sweetly dorky girl who loves theatre.
[I Love Play Rehearsal]I love play rehearsal,Because it's the best!Because it is fun.I love play rehearsal,And I get depressed as soon as it's done.
But not depressed as in like kill yourself depressed,No I'm not into self-harm, Dude, I swear, here check my arm.
See, I just use the word to emphasize a point,Show the passion that I've got.I am passionate a lot.
I have mad, gigantic feelings,Red and frantic feelings,About most everything.Like gun control, like spring.Like if I'm living up to all I'm meant to be.I also have a touch of ADD.
Where was I?[A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into]He's gone from a guyGuy that you'd never be intoInto a guy that you'd kinda be into.A guy that I'd never be intoInto a guy that I'd kinda be into.
Is he worth it? Jeremy?
Back to play rehearsal,I know that it's weird, but it's totally true.The guy that I'd kinda be into,
Yeah thatGuy that I'd kinda be intoIs...Jake.[Voices In My Head]I still remember how it felt.It's embarrassing to find out, deep down I just want things to be easy....Just, say what's on your mind, Jeremy....And any voices in our head?...Me and the voices in my head have made up our collective mind....I think that all of us want to go out with you.