Street Life Episode 2 Gacha Voice acting series

Collin Q for Jerry

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Pitch: medium-Low Male


:role Side Character Antagonist

:bio one of Samantha's Goons From San Loid High School Usually is the dumb one sometimes likes to bother Samantha about doing stuff. and usually gets beaten up a lot

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • Hey look! it's those stupid girls that wanna act like doofuses!

  • Samantha i didn't know she was gonna gang up on us like that!

  • uhhh... i dunno Samantha that guy looks like he might kick our ass...

Collin Q
Street Life Episode 2 Gacha Voice acting series

meshMar 18 2025 ht tps:// the-world-orginal-roblox Join upcoming roblox original youtube animated series casting call for edge of the world and discord server voice actors/animators/editors/producer/director will be paid for their work💸 episode 1 of edge of the world when its ready will be posted on this channel and also check out our test animation thats out

bruhtv Join upcoming roblox original youtube animated series edge of the world casting call/discord voice actors/animators/editors/writers and more will be paid for their work💸

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