[Non-Profit 17+] MLP Doctor Whooves: A Strange Miracle Trailer Concept(s) [URGENT Casting for Artists, Vocalists, Writers, Producers]
Lemody🍋 for [LONG TERM/URGENT] Lead/Supporting Song Producers/Vocalists (Male & Female Characters)

Vocalists and Song Producers that can pull
off good accents & character voices.
(You can send a demo reel too.)
Available characters (Voice samples
for Vocalists/Song Producers):
('Main Recurring Antagonist')
Unicorn King - A tyrant that rules Equestria with his unicorn wife.
(Voice: Med Lowerish) (Accent: English)
Line 1: [Smug] Oh, but isn't it much easier that way?
Line 2: [Chuckling] Worried now, are you..? And you were so confident..
Line 3: *Line of your choice* *few battle cries, groaning from bruises,
etcetera**Requirement squeeze in a anti-instrumental short solo*
Can have a accent like English, Scottish, Canadian, or any accent
that fits a medieval timeline.
(‘Recurring Male Antagonist’)
‘The Dutchess's Advisor ’- A advisor with a ordinary
‘North American accent.’
Line 1: (Quietly) Why don’t you have the knights fight them..?
Line 2: *Line of your choice* *few battle cries, groaning from bruises, etcetera*
*Requirement squeeze in a anti-instrumental short solo*
('Recurring Major Protagonist')
Vinyl Scratch - A Knight-Turned-Mercenary who has
joined the rebellion! Vinyl is a quick-witted and sharp
smooth-talker whose overconfidence aids in her cause...
most of the time. (Voice Tone: Med High.)
Voice Clip: (Fan Animation Video Clip: 'Sunrise Surprise'
Vinyl and Octavia - Sunrise Surprise - YouTube)
(Fan Song Cover Video Clip):
Nowacking - All About That Bass Cannon (Vinyl Scratch) - YouTube
Line 1: [Smug] I've got to say, you seemed a lot more menacing in the forest.
Line 2: [Firm] as everypony knows, I have eyes everywhere..!
Line 3: *Line of your choice* *few battle cries, groaning from bruises,
*Requirement squeeze in a anti-instrumental short solo*
('Recurring Major Protagonist')
Golden Harvest - A farmer always keeping herself busy.
She's a voice of reason to Lyra and tries fruitlessly to keep
her out of trouble!
(Voice Tone: High Pitch)
Line 1: [Giving gestures] the supplies are over there, and
stay away from my food!
Line 2: [Shaken] I bet we'll be safe at the gallows!
Line 3: *Line of your choice* *few battle cries, groaning
from bruises, etcetera* *Requirement squeeze in a anti-
instrumental short solo*
('Recurring Major Protagonist')
Bon Bon - A cynic with a knack for baking! She's hospitable,
but an avid gambler. After a few agonizing years working at
the tavern, she managed to save up enough bits to run a
bakery from her cottage. (Voice Tone: Med High)
Clip: Lyra and Bon Bon make up - Slice of Life - YouTube
(Disappointingly they both don't have a official or fan song
yet so give us the best voice you have for either!)
Line 1: [Serious] a pony like you cannot earn my respect, but you can buy it.
Line 2: *Line of your choice* *few battle cries, groaning from bruises, etcetera*
*Requirement squeeze in a anti-instrumental short solo*
('Recurring Major Protagonist')
Octavia Melody - A bard for one of the Lords of Ponyville!
She has close contact to Vinyl and the rebellion, but they
don't trust her to confront foes face to face-she's shy enough
playing the cello in front of them. (Voice Tone: Med High.)
(Accent: English.)
Voice Clip: (Fan Animation Video Clip: 'Sunrise Surprise'
Vinyl and Octavia - Sunrise Surprise - YouTube)
(Fan Song Animation Clip 'I Am Octavia':
- english
- song writer
- classical singing
- classical and modern singing
- singing/songwriting
- modern singing
- young adult
- emotional voice acting
*Say something you think would fit*

Sent you a PM :) -WhoovesQuest

Sent you my discord info too :) -WQ