Yaho! My name is Illya! Nice to meet you! I'm always up for roles around here! I really love to sing and if you want to tell my how to improve my voice I'm always up for criticism/ advice! (Just don't be too harsh or I really won't get it) and I'm also starting to get into VA! I've always wanted to do it so why not?
Mood: I've gone insane
Here's some skillz and things I can help out with! (Also answering some QUTESions)
1. Can you mix or animate?:
Well yes! I've kinda have to learn since a lot of people in groups I'm in can't or they just kinda suck but they'll get there! And same goes with mixing, I can mix up to 9 vocals but I'm really good at mixing 5 to 3 since it takes a lot less time than mixing 9 vocals and it's just easier in general to blend vocals.
2. How active are you?:
Pretty active depending on what type of group it is, like let's say if I'm in a Vocaloid I'd be on the range of 6 out of 10. But let's say if I were in a Love Live Group and the group it self was active, I'd be active.
3. How old are you? / Are you willing to give your real name for projects? / What's your gender?
With my age, I'll keep it to the people I know. And with my real name I probably won't give it to any project because it's quite personal and I am female!
4. Voice range?
I can do many voice ranges! (Not the bass 'cause DAMNNNN that's wayyy too deep for me) But I can pull off the alto part pretty well! My best ranges are soprano and mezzo-soprano
RANGES TOTAL: (Highest to lowest)
Soprano - Mezzo~Soprano - Alto - Tenor
5. What languages can you sing in?
I can speak in English fluently since I live in a Australia and we talk in English....maybe, I know some decent Spanish (since I am partly Spanish > < ) since my grandparents sometimes talk in the language so after time I learnt how to talk in basic sentences, I understand and can talk in Italian pretty decently because it's been drilled in my brain for 7 years now, so i get it.....kinda
6. Voice weakness? (SINGING)
Well depending on how I go up to reach my high notes my voice does this weird thing where my voice GOES BEYOND HIGH and completely screeches so that's why I don't go for high notes and instead I contain my voice but making it sound slightly higher and it can sometimes sound like I'm slurring my words a bit.
7. Voice weakness? (VOICE ACTING)
While voice acting I would have to say my voice tends to get whiny! I'm not very good with emotional scene's, I really push it when it comes to sad scene's. (Bad at doing the cool type persona)
8. How many groups are you in as of now?
I'm in 64 groups, 16 active ones and I'm in 2 cbs at the moment. ( u w u ) I've listed some below but not all of them because some are inactive or something like that.
If you want to cast me as anything just PM me!