hellsing ultimate fandub (cancelled)
cybercityalex808 for Jan Valentine
Er...hello? Is this thing on? Cool. This message is going out to the Round Table Conference, and a very personal and heart-filled shout-out to the queen bitch herself, Miss Hellsing! All right! Your ass is currently being kicked by the Valentine Brothers! My name is Jan Valentine, and I can't wait to meet each and every one of you. We'll be getting intimate as soon as me and the boys finish lunch, so let me be the first to thank you for providing us with these tasty snacks! By tomorrow, Hellsing will be nothing more than a pile of shit. (...) We highly recommend pissing yourselves, followed by a course of praying to your impotent god. But hey you can be a man and kill yourself. Thank you, London, we love you! Good night!"
(pinned by Seras) "FUCK! Ow! Lemme go! I'm supposed to be on top, bitch
Fuck, these are some fine cigars. Like, all bourgeois and shit. I mean, come on, that's just fucked up! People are starving in the world, and she's wasting money onthis? A slow and agonising death is too good for that stick-up-her-ass bitch. I think it's time someone gave her an old-fashionedworking-class asskicking!
"See, I so fucking told you! Ha ha ha! Well, since I'm fucked, how about I piss a little wisdom on you dipshits? You can take this clue and shove it up your ass, bitch! Beware...the Millennium!"
nice ! ill have to find out how to save auditions first before anything else and also find some script writers and editors to start the project
Thanks very much. Thats cool if i get any of the roles then im ready to work :)
hell ya ^^
no problem at all :), let me know if you want to confirm me for any of the roles (as i went for 3 lol) and i will get to work