(Paid work) Survivors (Animated Series)
Andre Luc Martinez for Edwin

Edwin is a bit hard to explain. He is weird, funny, energetic and quite emotional. He is quick to get angry, sad or feel regret. Of the group, Edwin is the most powerful due to his mutation. He is able to transform his right arm into a weapon. His backstory will not go unexplored and it ties everything together. Is Edwin's secret the key to ending the apocalypse? It might just be, the only cure.
Buildings now topple over other buildings. The streets are covered in trash, rubble and cars.
I can only imagine how it was like to live before the zombies. Maybe one day this apocalypse will end…Edwin hears something. It’s footsteps, approaching quickly. He turns to look and a few guards are running towards him.
I guess I overstayed my welcome. Time to go.Salvador’s gunshot echoes. Edwin reacts and jumps onto a branch. He then jumps from branch to branch making his way over to Salvador’s side.
(Thinking during jumping from branch to branch.)
He has the advantage here. He knows this place better than I do. I need to stay focused and aware of my surroundings.