Empty Oasis (Rossum Roster)
Alice Cashman for Hannah (T1642)

Info: T1642, A.K.A. "Hannah," is an "agent" of Rossum. In human speak, a program in a digital sector in this digital world. She's an artificial intelligence created by Turing and practically a perfect specimen because she's the best Turing has produced. She's naïve and longs for a solution to the Sanctifiers' unfair ways, leading her to be both heroic and optimistic, and goes against the wiser judgement of other character
Origin: 42LAB, digital entity in the Magrasea (meaning no real world presence).
Voice: Soft and childlike, "anime 16-17 y/o
Expectations: Needs to be able to vary in emotion as she tries to play hero. See audition line(s).
Hannah has a voice in-game. I'd recommend you take a look!
- female teen
[Hannah tries to convince "Antonina," a close friend who helped her build this "rewrite program" by challenging her] THIS can be the solution to all our problems with the sanctifiers. You don't trust the product of our expertise combined?
[Same scenario as above] We worked so hard on the rewrite program! And you want to give up now?
[Attempting to guilt trip her friend Antonina to let Hannah risk her own life.] What if Turing cares about my safety? Even if this plan fails, she could always make another T1642. It's JUST one T1642 to save everyone, right?