Ultimate Spider-Man 2024 Motion Comic
With3red for Harry Osborn [Green Goblin]

Harry is a very important role in this. Infact almost as important to peter, cause eventually he also serves as a huge reason as to why peter cements into the whole "Great power, great responsbility" schtick.
[Reffering to a bombing that happened that took the life of Norman Osborn, his late Father. And many others] Emotional day. And father Murdock is right, the air is thick with memories.
The one I keep thinking of-- One I can't seem to stop thinking of-- Is from when I was seven. It was the first time my dad played catch with me. Now, I don't really like baseball, and he didn't like baseball, but there it is. Haunting me. And it wasn't until today, really, that I figured out why.
In that moment-- The entire world was just the ball, me and my dad. Like that was the only thing that mattered. Like I was the most important person in the world. And now I'll never be able to make another memory like that with him.