Death Penalty: Sinners Verdict! [AUDITIONS!!]
P. R. Walsh for Sawyer Acedia

Description: ‘Even if a title as the ‘Ultimate Drummer’ involves playing fast on the drums, Sawyer is mostly on the slow lane, and he likes it that way. He seems very chill most of the time, like the hipsters you see smoking in the alleyways. He’s mostly seen as less worthy be other people so much, most don’t even know he tried so hard to reach the top once, but thats the point of running away from your past.’
Voice Description: Low and drowsy, and not in a sleepy kind of way, almost in a hipster way.
- english
- male young adult
- male adult
- irish
“’s the Ultimate Drummer, Sawyer. Last name, Accedia. Aheheh..”
“I can at least think of one thing of being slow. You get the time to think, and come up with cool as ideas. Try it once in a while, it can be good for you.” Lil smartass, but trying to help.
“F-Fuck, I think I’m gonna be sick…” Frightned, and Sickened

Sorry, it looks like you kinda forgot to put in ur name, age, and ways on contact ^^”

My bad
Paul Walsh
DISCORD: Prw1382.

Could u send me ur discord again. It’s not letting me as of now ^^”
