Amanda B. for BAZIL (SPEAKING)

Bazil is a harmless jester and Daedalus's right hand gal! Even though Daedalus owns the place, Bazil is undeniably the lovable Labyrinth mascot. It's her job to keep the Labyrinth citizens entertained. Juggling, comedy, singing and dancing... A true showgirl, she does it all!
Bazil is a main character in the game. I’m looking for someone with a darker feminine voice who is also comfortable getting loud and silly. Must be at least 18 years old. As this game will feature musical numbers, A STRONG SINGER with jazz and theatre experience is preferred (but not necessary). I’m open to having two different voice actors (speaking and singing) for Bazil if you are an exceptional fit but cannot sing (or if you can sing but can't act). If you can pull off a transatlantic accent that’s HUGE bonus, but again not required as this would be used sparsely. Most of the time, Bazil should speak with a standard American accent.
If you want to get a feel for her vibes, this is her theme!
...And this is her tragic ending song. Oops. Did I mention this is a tragic character? Bonus points if you can cry on command!
As of right now this project is unpaid, but I'm willing to compose music for your projects/characters in return! See my Spotify for examples. In the future this will become a paid role, especially if the project gets kickstarter funding.
(side note, we pronounce Daedalus like DEAD-UH-LUS)
- english
- female young adult
- standard american
- female adult
- video game
- transatlantic
- song
(spoken like an announcer, really trying to hype up the crowd even though the Labyrinth citizens HATE Daedalus) Ladies and gentlemen, lions and giraffes, step right up and take a gander! He’s the bee’s knees, the cat’s meow, the big cheese! He’s none other than your Labyrinth Evil Overlord, DAEDALUS!
(starts out joking but gets sadder as she speaks) (laughs wryly) Daedalus is probably sitting in his armchair with a glass of scotch and a cigar, just waiting to yell at me for coming home late… (suddenly perks up, over-the-top joking tone) But you know how it is! Bosses, am I right?
(flirtatiously) Well hellooooo Blondie! (less flirty, more genuinely inquisitive) Did you enjoy the show? Normally our rehearsals are closed to the public, so you really lucked out!