Displacement District (Animated Series)
Wes Wicomico for System Voice
The system voice is simply the voice on the intercom that makes announcements and occasionally calls people up to Caspian's office. Later on, it will also announce that the building is unstable and be one of the first signs of a disaster.
System's voice range : Any range
- english
- male adult
- female adult
- androgynous
- character acting
(Announcing) A small earthquake is expected to hit within the next five minutes. Please prepare.
(Announcing) This earthquake has stopped. It is now safe to resume work.
(Calling for someone) Miss Schmidt, please come to meeting room three for today's meeting.
Hi, sorry, I'm not sure how I missed your note to include Discord info. I'm FrolickingAlone on Discord. My DMs are always open and I get notifications right on my phone, so I'm incredibly easy to reach if there's a role you think is right for my voice. Thanks again! -Wes