BARONESS: Another Smaller Characters Casting Call
Sasha De Gauthier is Viggo De Gauthier’s eccentric and flamboyant husband who manages his accounts and other business related information. The two met in the eighties when Viggo was just getting into the fashion world and Sasha was working as a young model. The two were inseparable friends until they took things a step further and became high-school sweethearts. Sasha couldn’t care less what the homophobes thought of him and Viggo, because their love was strong. Sasha enjoys watching Viggo work as well as watching reality TV.
VOICE REFERENCE: Veneer from Trolls Band Together but a little older.
- english
- male senior
- animation
- Posh
- general north american english
- adult
- animation/character
- Fashionable
- Flamboyant
Viggo! Did you put together that faux seal leather jacket yet? I want to make sure I have it ready for the gala next weekend, and I know how you like to take your time with things. Also make sure its FAUX. I don't need to be wearing the skin of baby seals just for a good texture.
Oh hello, I'm sorry, I didn't know Viggo was having guests over or else I would be a tad bit more presentable.
Darling! Did you take any of my all natural sugar chocolate cherries? You know those make your stomach turn! Why do you insist on eating them?!