Resonance |Sims 4 Voice Over Series
Joseph Bozlinski for ♖ Cillian Brown

Voice Actor
♖ Cillian Brown
Role assigned to:
Joseph Bozlinski
Supporting Character
〉 First appearance: Episode 2 (Pelios)
✥Age: 48 Years old
✥Place of birth: Washington DC
✥Ethnicity: American
✥Sexuality: Straight
✥Pronouns: He/Him
✥Occupation: CEO of Rising star enterprise and F1 Ferrante team
✥Traits: Authoritative, music lover, intimidating, calm
Phonetic spelling{Cee-lee-an Br-own}
- english
Voice description:
- male adult
[Stern] "I don't want you to do that."
[Serious] "No, I have not spoken to him...not in a very long time."

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