Death of an Optimist
Justice Williamson for Landon Kellogg

Age | 18
Gender | Cis male (He/him)
Accent | English
Voice | Soft-spoken and spacey, Landon speaks as if he's off in another world, wrapped up within his own thoughts and imagination. He has an incredibly light, youthful voice.
Landon is someone who, for the majority of his life, has lived in isolation. He exists mentally outside the bounds of reality, indulging himself in hobbies and fantasies while willingly turning a blind eye to the pain and suffering that goes on around him - pain and suffering that he plays a part in.
To say that Landon is purposefully unaware of his actions and what goes on around him is not entirely wrong. He vaguely understands that, outside of his home, terrible things are happening, but he does not know the full extent of it, nor does he want to. He understands that his sister, Evelyn, loathes him, but he chooses to ignore these things to focus on “the good in life.”
Though Landon is bedridden and incredibly weak due to his constant use of his gift, he still remains excitable, friendly, and as energetic as possible. In the presence of others (which does not happen often), Landon is very engaging and energetic. He’s expressive and loves having conversations about his hobbies, interests, or anything else his brain can come up with. Due to his isolation, he cherishes every moment he has with those who take the time to listen to him. On the flip side, however, he tends to be quite self-centered in his conversations as he struggles to engage with the other person. Because he spends so much time alone, getting himself to empathize with or care about others beyond a surface level is difficult. This is emphasized by the fact that he has spent his entire life being cherished and pampered by those around him, leading him to see himself as inherently above others.
Though this mindset can often be problematic, he genuinely does not mean any harm by it. He tries his best to be a good person to those he personally interacts with and enjoys giving handmade gifts to those dear to him despite the horrors he has contributed to. In all honesty, he wants to avoid his own pain and conflict more than anything.
He spends as much time outdoors or roaming his room as possible to prevent himself from becoming too weak. However, he often forgets his own limits and passes out due to overexertion.
When Landon is not attempting to recover his energy by laying in bed or aimlessly roaming around so he doesn’t forget how to walk, you can often find him indulging in one of his many hobbies. He, more than anything, wants to suppress his thoughts, fears, and worries as much as possible. He fears that if he were left alone in rumination, the reality he spent so long repressing would catch up to him, forcing him to confront it head-on. So, to prevent this, Landon constantly indulges himself in tasks, hobbies, and entertainment.
- english
- Soft
- english (british)
- male young adult
- male teen
- light
- Gentle
- Airy
- distant
- quiet
- kind
I read another story recently. Do you think we could read it together?
The moon, the sun, the stars, they're all like a family, right? Do you think they fight, too?
Ah... So sleepy..... So, so sleepy...

Thanks for the consideration, good luck with the project!
Gmail: Justicewilliamsovo
Discord: JusticedoesVA