Carrot Commotion - Original Video Game

lexi-the-eevee for Robot Bunny

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Robot Bunny
Paid: Flat Rate 60 AUD
Role assigned to: Lefty's Comics

Type of character:

This bunny is ageless. They mimic voices that they have heard to get their point across (Think, Bumblebee in Transformers when they use their radio to speak), so you can have fun with this role! No voice line should be the same voice, but still have the same synthetic / robot feel to it.

  • english
Voice description:
  • video game
  • neutral
  • androgynous
  • funny
  • robotic
  • robot
  • videogame
  • *happy* Thank you, thank you, I will now bow.

  • *confused* How did you end up with that? You are good at this.

  • *grunt as they have a bomb blow up in their face*

Carrot Commotion - Original Video Game

Hey Lexi! Just a quick FYI for future auditions. If the price is listed as anything other than USD, the owner (or the payment site) will convert it into USD for you. So you won't need to ask for it to be in USD :)

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