Intrigues Temptation VN Game Character Cast
Cxyberchase for Ramos (Hag man)
Ramos is a man that seems to keep to himself mostly. His intelligence is relied on by the town for not just his magical remedies but his natural herbal remedies as well.
Being a Hag isnt easy when depicted to alway be a dealmaker and killer. Doesnt help with hacing long finger and shark teeth. His cackles are very hag-like but speech rather easy to understand,
He does tend to be easily offended on remarks of his abilities and methods and that he then becomes harder to understand.
- english
- male adult
[Soft spoken] "Yes I am the Local Swamp Hag, Ramos... One wrong action and I will curse you... Or worse, [cackles and laughs increasingly creepy]"
[Scowl, Extreme Annoyed]"You sure are very rude for to someone who had just saved you from dying..."
[witchy cackle, hungry angry tone] " Maybe i should reconsider my actions~."