American Kingdoms Audiobook
mcarleton for Audiobook Narrator
The Narrator is the principal voice actor for all American Kingdoms audiobook chapters. The setting is rich with many European settlers arriving to the Americas, so expect to be required to perform characters in a wide variety of international accents. The main tone of voice of the Narrator is distinctly American (because of the theme), and may even imply a gentle state dialect.
A full Narrator Audition document is attached via a Dropbox link below. I would like each auditioning narrator to read one sample chapter of your choosing, and the full range of the Sample Scenes below. Thanks for your time, and enjoy the read!
- all american accents
- male adult
Hi Mcarleton. Thank you for this wonderful audition! I am extremely impressed by your vocal range in the sample chapter. You asked about word counts I see - principal recording will be for 50 pages, so about 30-50,000 words at our current formatting. Could you provide a quote for this scope? You can email me at [email protected]
I have shortlisted you for second round callbacks, so I'll be in touch later 🙂. Did you have a chance to read the short scenes and character tests further on in the Narrator Auditions script? They are shorter scenes trying out a wide variety of accents and character types, to get a sense of your character range. Regards,Vincent