Small ammo+side plot

Drippy for Ray Romero

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ray Romero

PLEASE BE 18+ I'll feel uncomfortable working with someone that's underage especially with a personal character of mine

Also please leave you're discord too

Rays voice is deep and mature/manly

Sooo  It's alittle hard to describe Ray because in his different iterations his personality isn't quite the same- I'm kinda assuming that you've read his version on ammo+ or what little I describe of him-

 but to try to describe him or different types of him per say (Ray is a bit of a mix of a virgo/istj type)

 Overall his main core traits is his morals  He's more of a lawfully good moral character and it's pretty rare for him to stray from his morals-  Due to this he tends to be a natural born leader especially sense people are drawn to his confidence-  (also stubborn)

 Yet despite this he's a introvert.  Not the type of guy that has much motivation to make friends-  making connections with someone takes rather alot of time and energy so he more or less at times has a tight friend group or acquaintances depending on iterations  (He's not anxious but it's either he doesn't know how to properly indicate his feelings towards someone or he can get along with someone but it never really goes anywhere)

 Logical and loves getting into philosophical niches- but also a rather curious person -- so because of this He's the type of character in a horror movie that will probably explore the deep dark haunted woods even if he might die- he KNOWS THIS but he doesn't care at all  But due to the fact he's prone to listen to his brain then his heart Ray isn't that much of a empathic person to other people unless it's the other protag but yk  yea he understands how they feel and stuff but (really doesn't give af 💀 )

 NOw to get on the more technical side of things-  Modernish / realistic iterations 

 Or type 1  Cynical  untrusting / moody guy  (I'll like to think he's a loser that plays horror games or often plays shooter games in most of his free time - but forced to play comfy cozy games and becomes addicted to them too-/definitely twitch streamer(non famous/average following) knife collection- but he often gets into alot of situations by just wondering alot)  Due to the fact he doesn't yap alot ppl often find him cool and mysterious which makes people drawn to him and more or less bother him alot tbh (He's into alot of non popular niches and thinks alot--- he definitely has a 5 year hardcore minecraft world)  Jealous-  

Type 2  He's a soft spoken Dreamer  Aloof,  kind hearted/ romantic guy  (Which makes him a pretty cheesy and cringe guy that he's other more Cynical iterations would think of-)  Definitely outside alot (probably loves doodling or writing poetry) he doesn't have alot of energy for people but has patience for them

 Non modern  His more natural leadership comes in more (it's either you follow him or not he'll probably continue without you anyway tbh)  Strong willed-  Tactical/ calculating  (I'll stop here tbh omg)

  • (Ray1)"WAIT--so-- making things clear.. I'm the only timeline where she isn't some Eldritch monster-" Ray2) "What am I doing here? Shouldn't I belong here ?... I don't know about any of you but you all look crazy if I'm going to be honest- he looks like he just came out of a horror movie- you what is this a cosplay convention?? I don't even know what you did and you--... what are you gay or som- oh I guess she was a he in you're-- okay nevermind- I'm guessing I'm the most normal one out of all of you bozos??... I hope I don't look like you when I'm older..gross.." (3 ray) "whats wrong with being a werewolf...?"

  • "You.. Disgust me. You Disgust all of us! How can you even call you're self a human! If I was in you're place I would of trusted her in a heart beat!... I've spend hundreds of life times with this.. one person- you've spend those life times and yet- no I don't care about some moral code! Why should I when it comes to a person like you!? Without her you're nothing! You're nothing but a lonely sack of shit! A nobody! Don't you understand that!? And you dare to call you're self a hero! A good person! .. ... I hope you're happy with your..'choice'.."

  • "Am I the only one out of all of us that-- had a insect collection? I mean knifes wasn't really that popular in my world.....that's.. too bad..."

Small ammo+side plot
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