Empty Pages (Storyboard Reel)

Kyle of 3 languages for Voice Actor

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Hourly 20 USD

Major role for Sergei Korolev, a 50 year old anthro bear man who works as the head of the Soviet space program, circa 1957. Based on the historical figure of the same name, Korolev is an imposing, experienced and pragmatic rocket scientist who puts his duties to the state above all else. He's also secretly paranoid about the possibility that the United States might uncover his identity and assassinate him to get ahead in the space race. He's in charge of the Sputnik 2 mission, which plans on being the first satellite to ever put a person into space. But the Soviet government is pressuring him to have it launch in time for the 40th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution, meaning there's no time for a plan on how to get Laika, the test subject, back to Earth alive. He doesn't like this one bit, and he wishes things could be different. But as a gulag survivor, Korolev knows better than to risk defying the government 

  • english
Voice description:
  • russian english
  • storyboard demo
  • generic russian
  • film
  • male adult
  • russian (moscow)
  • animation
  • adult
  • We've entered a new age. Not since the atomic bomb has science changed our place in the universe so much, and so quickly.

  • I brought you here to remind you that revolution runs through your veins. Just as it ran through his and your grandfather's alike. Don't let your instructor distract you from it.

  • If either of you stay the course, this is who you will be spitting in the face of. Not me, and not the Central Committee. But your fellow proletariat.

Kyle of 3 languages
Empty Pages (Storyboard Reel)
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