The Spectacular Spider-Man Continued Geography 101 (Spectacle Stars)
darknightprincess for Sha Shan Ngyuen
(Pronounced "Shuh-ShAHHn Wen)
Character from the original Spectacular Spider-Man series, and currently Flash Thompson's girlfriend in our movie.
Very calm and low-key voice, specifically looking for a Kelly Hu impression from the original series.
For references, see this video here:
Timestamps for the lines below are 26:09, 28:34, and 33:15
- english
- voice match
- female teen
"I know who you are, Flash. We're in Bio together. Look, I've never seen you throw a pass. But I've seen you set off the sprinklers in the lab...twice.
"That seems unlikely aren't on the list."
(with a bit of humor in the voice, at Flash's expense) "I don't think you'll be needing much rehearsal. You just agreed to play Nick Bottom in A Midsummer Night's Dream. Trust me, you have that role nailed."