My Amazing Woman, S04E04

Holly Lindin for Dr. Ida Johnson

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Ida Johnson
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD

Doctor Johnson is a physician with specialization in people with superpowers. Her practice is adjunct to the World Alliance on International Law and Superheroics. She is also the mother of the masked crime fighter Foxie and family friend and former employee of the family of Snowy Owl (Foxie's former partner and Amazing Woman's cousin).

She's African American but doesn't speak with an urban accent. She has a warm personality and a comforting way of talking. She's measured and calm in her speech.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • general north american english
  • So, your test results are back. And I am happy to say there are no traces of damage from that radiation you encountered. This is a good thing. There are horses that wish they were as healthy as you.

  • As to that other matter you asked me to look into. Your eggs are, apparently, as invulnerable as you are. This, unfortunately, is not a good thing, because it means--

  • I’m not sure what you do in your civilian life, but you might want to look into a side hustle.

Holly Lindin
My Amazing Woman, S04E04
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