Furry OC Voiceclaim

Grifter Wolf for Esca

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

Esca is an instinctively cautious and hardworking werewolf. Esca was born with physically distintive attributes to that of owls, such as the feathering patterns on his fur. Only a few individuals born into his world share such attributes to specific animals. Those that do inheriet a strong bond and relationship with said animal. Said animal will often act as a spirit guide. Esca looks to his owl companions for support, knowledge, and guidance. They can communicate between one another telepathically. Esca feels at peace within their presence. 

Esca is the King’s royal messenger. A high distinction and honor that Esca takes very seriously. He's been in service of the kingdom ever since he was young, working delinquently as a messenger, delivering letters, vital documents, King's command, and even declaration of war. He's smart, has sharp senses, and he’s adapted to a lifestyle of danger.

His specialty of avoiding death whenever things are getting sour, which oftentimes happens in his line of job, is famous throughout the kingdom. Known to be able to escape numerous traps, ambushes, and even direct assasinations, and still able to accomplish his job.

His owl friends will often help him in his endeavours. The owls are always keeping watch of Esca and will inform him of anything they deem noteworthy or immediately otherwise important.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • “I am a messenger of the King, here to deliver His Highness’s demands.”

  • “You are speaking to the King’s most trusted messenger. I am the most renowned within all the lands of Neath.”

  • “It is unwise to underestimate me, I am more formidable then you are led to believe.” “I will not allow this affront to His Majesty. Any who dare rise a tongue to His Highness’s commands shall fall.”

Grifter Wolf
Furry OC Voiceclaim

Hi hi! Thank you very much for auditioning!

    Grifter Wolf
    Grifter Wolf

    Thank you I really like both these characters if needed I can lighten or give more growl to the voice here I wasn’t sure which way to go, hope it’s good!

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