Cyan Void: Horns Casting Call
Zach Zugheri for Horns

Character Description:
Horns is the God of Lust. Once a genocidal maniac, eliminating all dominant species across countless planets. Horns’s genocidal beliefs would eventually be challenged and cleansed, leading him down a new path of redemption. During that path though, he finds himself entranced by the life of Zepheus and Skylus, and decides to settle for a new life in their void. Horns now wishes to protect the pair from the outside universe, and to hopefully move on from his past regrets.
Horns has two personalities that he switches between at will, both having respective looks to them shown above. Both forms have two different voices presented, as one is presented as a [nerdy] act, and the other is his main personality. He can switch between them at will.
Main Personality:
Suppressive and fussy, often denying aid from others.
Stubborn and protective, caring deeply for others, but refusing to show it.
Short-tempered but self-aware, often having spurts of anger, followed by quick attempts to calm himself down.
Guilt-ridden and regretful, providing his aid to others, but never accepting anything back.
Nerdy Personality:
Talkative yet Informative, often accidentally.
A jokester, trying to make light of any situation.
Very nerd and dork-like, purposefully fumbling to look weaker.
Smiley attitude, but very concentrated when things are serious.
Voice Details:
Main Voice:
A warm and deep voice, slightly crispy.
Menacing and villain-like, exaggerating words of ‘impact’. [Ex: You gotta PUNCH him where it hurts.]
When angry, aggressive and fast speaking.
When calm, quiet and slow speaking.
Horns’s voice can be akin to soft-spoken yet menacing characters like Joel from the Last of Us, and Kratos from God of War.
Horns’s previous VA captures the character wonderfully in Episode 8 of the old Cyan Void series. I would highly recommend using them as reference as well:
(OLD) | Cyan Void: (Episode 8) Gaze of Lust [0:19 - Calm : 15:26 - Angry]
Nerdy Voice:
Horns’s friendlier personality is a nerdier version of his main voice.
His voice remains warm, but he is far more upbeat in attitude and pitch.
Giggly, often letting out a small giggle during the beginning of sentences.
Less menacing, instead exaggerating words of ‘interest’. [Ex: We’ll need a SCREW for this machine.]
The best reference I can give for this voice is ‘Octus’ from Sym-Bionic Titan: [0:20]
Sym-Bionic Titan [Escape to Sherman High] [USA🇺🇸] Part 2 episode 1 season 1 [HD]
- male adult
(Horns notices someone struggling to carry a crate. Switch from nerdy to main at ‘But seriously’) [Delivery: Friendly and social attitude, switching to less patient and eager.] “Are you doing okay sir? You know, picking it up like that can really hurt your back, I’d recommend keeping your back straight instead, unless you like bending it back eheheheheh, heh… but seriously, if you can’t lift that thing, then don’t even bother. For your own sake, just let me handle it.”
(An emotional and demanding response to a friend who wishes to leave paradise. Main voice) [Delivery: Genuine and soft-spoken, emphasizing your points through volume.] “This life you live, it’s everything you could ever want. Consequences are your decision, fate is of your making. Why would you EVER want to throw any of that away for something you can’t predict? I promise you, what’s out there, will stick with you for the rest of your existence. What you have now is perfect, and nothing less of it. Please, understand me.”
(A past version of main Horns, far more ruthless and aggressive, finds his next victim after a long journey.) [Delivery: Incredibly aggressive and rageful, emphasizing capital words by all-out yelling.] “I have set galaxies aBLAZE to reach you, coated terrain in the blood of those who walk it. ALL OF IT, JUST so I could meet you HERE, and NOW. (maniacal laughter) oooh how I wish you could have witnessed it all, truly. But hey, beggars can’t be choosers. But at the very least, Iiii get to choose, your, FATE!”