Awkward Zombie Comic Dubs
kylerichva for Roy
Try and voice Roy with that snarky tone. It would be preferred to be Teen, but with that slight adult deeper tone thrown in.
Mega Man? Pac-Man? I've never heard of these people!
You know what? This is fine. I don't need any love, or recognition, or the respect of my peers. The important thing is I'm here, and I like me.
We are going to be so rich!
When you say "We're going to be so rich!" You start to sound like Knuckles lol.
You should go with a somewhat higher pitch voice in my opinion. Not sure if that's where the problem really is, but it's good to experiment. I'm just gonna message everyone who auditioned for Roy with this, everyone should take some inspiration from this. Take inspiration from the character "Alpha." The guy with the red hair.