Stitched Together (Game)
Alikar Sefiro for Arin "Valenti" Maddox

Valenti is a smug and arrogant rapper with grand dreams of becoming a celebrity sensation in the music world. He's antagonistic to anyone who gets in his way, and often neglects his relationships with the people he cares about without realizing it.
Valenti is a relevant side antagonist, and will have a few scenes of lines to record. His voice actor should be able to voice a self-absorbed personality, but should also be able to sound subdued and hurt in emotional moments.
(Don't worry, you won't have to be a good singer or rapper for this role!)
- video game
- male young adult
- animation/character
- videogame
(smug) You're saying you can challenge *me* at my own game?! You're dumber than you look!
(defensive) So what if I cheated a little bit? I'm the one standing in the spotlight, and you're stuck in the nosebleeds!
(hurt) Yeah, that was definitely my fault. I'm really sorry...