Archie Sonic Online Official Comic Dub - Casting Call Issue 249
Mr. JPG for Geoffrey St. John

Character Description
A spy, Geoffrey saw himself as more qualified than Sonic and quarreled with him in the past. Once arrogant and headstrong, he eventually mellowed out, only to spiral when he lost the love of his life. To aid his true master in taking the throne, he partook in a series of bad decisions he’s come to regret. Now at his lowest point, he’s eager to make amends. His body is currently possessed by Naugus who is passing himself off as Geoffrey.
Voice Description
For the most part suave, demeaning and occasionally temperamental, Geoffrey St. John should have a medium-pitch voice with either a British or Australian accent. It's gone back and forth in the series, with the British version being more fitting as a James Bond-esque spy, though the Australian being more common. If you can, try takes that lean into one or the other, or even combine the two. Go crazy with the accent, as we are open to whatever sounds best. He shouldn't sound much older than the principle cast.
The reference used is just a guide for the voice. Do not make an impression of the voice in the clip; just use it as a reference.
Voice Reference
- english
- all english accents
- generic british
- generic australian
- male adult
- male young adult
1. (condescending, cocky) "Face it, luv. You clubhouse gang will have to get its hands dirty if you want to get past me."
2. (furious, needing to be restrained) "Don't you DARE belittle her, you pompous- !"
3. (exhausted, remorseful) "H-Hey, deep breaths luv. Just like our training. Everyone... I'm the one who needs to apologize. I dedicated my life to serving a madman, and happily put all of you in grave danger to do it. I know you blokes are the forgiving sort, but -"