The Marriage Show
Malik Radwan for Hasan
Show contestant. A new entrepreneur. Inexperienced in romance/relationship, awkward, has low self-esteem despite his competence. Somewhat nerdy, has interests in entertainment media like novels and movies.
$5 per episode, ideally the season will be 10 episodes long so this character might end up being in 2 all the way up to potentially 10 episodes.
- male adult
- male young adult
My name is HASAN. I am 24 years old. I am the only child in my family. I am also an entrepreneur. I have a carpentry shop which has been open for business since six months ago.
Asalaamualaykum (asalaam-oo-a-laykum)/Insha'Allah/ MashaAllah/ Alhamdulillah
Uhm… I don’t want to be rude. But I’m curious about ESMA. Can I ask you about the title of both novels? Maybe I can buy them someday. I want to know what the stories are about.