Kids Animated Pilot for Film Festivals/YouTube Kids

ALumin for Kid(s)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 250 USD

All the kids are the same: spoiled, stinky, monster children who run amok. They don’t listen to adults and often act like chaotic puppies who just learned how to terrorize households. They are easily swayed by delicious unhealthy food and cell phones. But like all children, they do understand compassion if their sugar fueled rage is quelled. 

Note: There are two kids in this script and this part could be read as one kid, or play it in two different voiced kids, or show me two different kids voices if you feel like you can do multiple parts. I am not looking for young kids to perform this part, but rather adults playing as kids.

Key Words: childish, playful, obnoxious, lacking awareness, naive, neglected

Payment: $250

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Naive
  • neglected
  • obnoxious
  • Childish
  • male adult
  • “I wanna ride the roller coaster! Come on! Lets go you old fart! I want pizza! Can I have pizza?!”

Kids Animated Pilot for Film Festivals/YouTube Kids
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