[PAID] - Roses & Thrones

Alice Cashman for Sonia Kuran (17)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sonia Kuran (17)
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD

Supporting Character - 15 Dollar

Voice: Sweet, kind

Sonia Kuran, the younger sister of Sylus, Tifa and Keita, is one of the few friends of Princess Stella. Much like Stella, Sonia is quiet and introverted, often keeping to herself. She struggles with low self-esteem and does not consider herself beautiful or interesting, feeling like a wallflower in social settings. Despite her reserved nature, her friendship with Stella provides her with a meaningful connection.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • sighs - Me? Making a man feel alive? I highly doubt it. My own fiancĂ© doesn't seem to be convinced. - kinda sad/frustrated

  • Why do I feel so down? I should be excited, right? - sad/trying to sound hopeful

Alice Cashman
[PAID] - Roses & Thrones

Thank you so much! You really nailed Sonia!!!

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