Spring Savanna
soluri for Other Supporting roles
Ad lib what you think a friendly AI would say to spyro, if you can't make something up, find a line an ally says in spyro 2 and try to replicate that. I've posted one line already.
Hi Spyro, it's a good thing you're here. If you can help shepherd those baby turtles over there to safety, I'll be mighty grateful.
You're just amazing! I love that you can do several voices!
AhhhHHH thank you so much!! Love your Professor too!~ ^^
Holy crap!
Absolutely amazing work! Had no idea you could do so many voices like that! I'm glad you're willing to voice act for this project, I'm sure we can fit you in many roles! Thank you so much for auditioning!
Thank you! I would be absolutely flattered! I'm happy to be considered ahaha, best of luck to you, too!!! ^^
You seem like a professional voice actor. You've done this before right? Nonetheless, amazing.
Can't wait to hear your voice in the game! :D
Awesome. You're so talented!
Pursue a career in voice acting
Your voice is excellent and I hope you are chosen, but the audio is clipped (too loud). Too loud of a recording can create distortion. If you can't correct this in an audio program, try placing a sock over the mic and keeping it about 6 inches from your mouth. Even if the recording is too quiet, it can easily be amplified which is better than having distortion. You will know if it is "clipped" if the blue visualization touches the top and bottom. Hope I helped a bit. Cheers!
Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it and will keep this in mind!~
WOW!!! This is incredible!! Love your voice!
Good work! You have so much variety, that helps you portray each character, I could even imagine half of the Spyro 2 game while listening to it. Can't think of a better candidate, if I am honest.
Oh wow, thank you so much!!!~