7 Days

Kairi98 for Maia Holmstat

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Maia Holmstat
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

Maia Holmstat is the 3015 Presidant, Age 27. Maia is the woman who started the Experiement with the Dial. Maia has a soft Southern Tang to her voice. Maia is only in the prologue!

  • Ughhh, It’s too early to receive phone calls at this hour.. Who even calls at 6am!? | Exhausted & Frustrated

  • I would think.. With how important this Dial is.. That someone would keep it clean.. However.. I can’t help but notice..This thing sure does need to be dusted.. | Unimpressed

  • It'll only be a matter of time until the citizens freak out.. This is where we make our decision.. Do we continue with this or risk an outburst? | Fearful

7 Days
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