Kids Animated Pilot for Film Festivals/YouTube Kids

Peachie for Harper

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 500 USD

Harper is deeply and hopelessly in love with all and will do anything she sets her mind to get what she wants! When things don’t go her way, it can be very painful and take her down a dark path. Harper makes bold decisions in the hopes that things work out, so it’s hard not to adore her enthusiasm even if it comes with a bit of a temper.

Key Words: Excited, impulsive, curious, happy-go-lucky

Payment: $500

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Happy-go-lucky
  • Curious
  • Excited
  • Impulsive
  • “I mean, if Stewart would just look at me. I mean really look at me, he'd see I'm not just a nobody. I'm full of emotion. And heart. OH! I just want him SO BAD!”

Kids Animated Pilot for Film Festivals/YouTube Kids
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