Celeste Avalanche: prolog. voice actor auditions!

Jade Ivy for Voice Actor (Celia)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor (Celia)
Paid: Hourly 50 USD

Celia is a stange old lady, she enjoys to laugh and joke about herself and other people, a silly little jockster who means good. supporting character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female senior
  • canadian english
  • animation/character
  • animation
  • canadian
  • If my 'driveway' almost did you in, the Mountain might be a bit much for you.

  • Funerals are for all you suckers stuck living without me.

  • It's hard to believe that it's over, isn't it? Funny how we get attached to the struggle.

Jade Ivy
Celeste Avalanche: prolog. voice actor auditions!
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