Demon Dad

Michael Suggs for Xal' Thuzar, the Ravager of Realms

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Xal' Thuzar, the Ravager of Realms
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

Xal' Thuzar is an ancient, powerful demon from Hell summoned by Madeline, who initially seeks to claim her soul but gradually grows to care for her as a father figure.

The voice actor for the Demon should have a deep, resonant voice capable of sounding both intimidating and gentle. A rich, authoritative tone that can transition to a more nuanced, caring voice as the short-film progresses. (there are only a few lines towards the end with this gentle tone).

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • monster
  • male adult
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • You have dared to summon me, mere human. I, the Ravager of Realms, have risen from the infernal abyss to forge a contract with you. Upon its fulfillment, your soul shall be mine, bound to the fires of Hell for all eternity.

  • Do… do you not understand how this transaction usually works? A human summons me and asks for a large material item, I give it to them, and then they become my servant in hell. This is a very easy concept to understand, is it not?

  • Sleep, child. The night is yours.

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