RM Game - Distorted Sanctum - Wave 2 of Casting Calls

Tia Corine for Rosie

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

A shy and softspoken woman whom is well-versed in both archery and magic. She's often a very quiet person, typically keeping responses short and sweet. She is very caring of those around her though, and will protect her allies at a moment's notice. She prefers wandering the mountains, but as the surge in monster activity worsens, the ability to quietly wander the mountains becomes no longer feasible. 

She does eventually find Trace however, whom she hasn't seen in years. After he tells her what's going on, she decides to join the party in hopes that the mountains she wanders, become safe once more.

For her voice I'd want something that's very soft sounding, not to the point of a whisper but maybe a little close to that. As for pitch maybe something on the semi-high end.

  • english
Voice description:
  • videogame
  • female adult
  • video game
  • [Calm] Can I... Join you?

  • [Angry] No, bad idea!

  • [Serious] Monsters nearby.

Tia Corine
RM Game - Distorted Sanctum - Wave 2 of Casting Calls
Fire Angel
Fire Angel

While I'm not sure yet on whether or not your voice is fitting for the role of Rosie, I do really like your audition and the way your voice sounds in this! If you don't get casted for this one, then I do think there may be a role later in the future that'd be more fitting for you. I'll follow you on CCC for now just so I can reach out to you personally the next time there's auditions for other characters! (Should it turn out I decide to not cast you for this role)

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