Animatic Lore Video and Skits for YouTube
Thomas2035 for Mars Researchers

These will be the lines for the 4 researchers that land on the planet Mars.
(Open to many different voices and accents here!)
- female adult
- male adult
- female young adult
- male young adult
"Alright. Everyone get geared up. May, Don't forget to start the live feed before we step out"
[Trying to hide fear] "What the hell... are those bones? There are bones on mars?! What... happened here?"
[Exhausted painful whispers] "What ... is ... that?"

Sir, probably not best to over analyze the lines given to you if you've got 5 whole submissions in your archive. I'm totally down to hear what the VA's have in their heads when voicing these lines. Plenty of people before you have nailed it so far. It is in YOUR interpretation of how you read them. I'm looking for MANY different voices. I don't recommend antagonizing future directors with "poor writing" for projects you want to submit for. You are always welcome to move on to what you see fit for your voice.Happy project hunting and welcome to CCC.

I didn't mean to antagonizing